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Alle onderstaande prijzen zijn gebaseerd op een afname van 24 stuks per soort. Minimale afname is 3 stuks per soort!

Bij een lager aantal van 3 t/m 23 stuks per soort, zal € 0,10 per stuk  extra gerekend worden. Vanaf 100 stuks per soort wordt € 0,10 per stuk in mindering gebracht!


Alle prijzen zijn exclusief 9% BTW.


 ACAENA stekelnootje   

* buchananii*P9€ 1,30

* inermis 'Purpurea'*P9€ 1,40

* magellanica*P9€ 1,40

* microphylla*P9€ 1,40

* microphylla 'Dichte Matte'*P9€ 1,70

* microphylla 'Kupferteppich'*P9€ 1,30

*ACANTHUS acanthus   

* hungaricus (Hongaarse acanthus)*P9€ 1,95

* hungaricus 'White Lips'*P9€ 1,95

* mollis (zachte acanthus)*P9€ 1,95

* mollis 'Rue Ledan'*P9€ 2,25

* spinosus (doornige acanthus)*P9€ 1,95

*ACHILLEA duizendblad   

* 'Alabaster'*P9€ 1,70

* 'Coronation Gold'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Feuerland'*P9€ 1,70

* filipendula 'Cloth of Gold'*P9€ 1,25

* filipendula 'Hymne'*P9€ 1,70

* filipendula 'Parker's Variety'*P9€ 1,30

* kellereri*P9€ 1,70

* 'Little Moonshine'*P9€ 1,90

* millefolium*P9€ 1,25

* millefolium 'Apfelblüte'*P9€ 1,65

* millefolium 'Cassis'*P9€ 1,60

* millefolium 'Cerise Queen'*P9€ 1,20

* millefolium 'Lachsschönheit'*P9€ 1,75

* millefolium 'Lilac Beauty'*P9€ 1,70

* millefolium 'Paprika'*P9€ 1,65

* millefolium 'Red Beauty'*P9€ 1,70

* millefolium 'Red Velvet'*P9€ 1,70

* millefolium 'Sammetriese'*P9€ 1,70

* millefolium 'Schneetaler'*P9€ 1,75

* millefolium 'Saucy Seduction'*P9€ 1,95

* millefolium 'Summerwine'*P9€ 1,90

* millefolium 'Sunny Seduction'*P9€ 2,30

* millefolium 'Wesersandstein'*P9€ 2,30

* millefolium 'White Beauty'*P9€ 1,50

* 'Moonshine'*P9€ 1,75

* ptarmica (wilde bertram)*P9€ 1,35

* ptarmica 'Nana Compacta'*P9€ 1,70

* ptarmica 'Peter Cottontail'*P9€ 2,00

* ptarmica 'The Pearl'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Safran'*P9€ 1,65

* 'Summer Pastels'*P9€ 1,35

* 'Taygetea'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Terracotta'*P9€ 1,60

* tomentosa*P9€ 1,30

* tomentosa 'Aurea'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Velour'*P9€ 2,30

* 'Walther Funcke'*P9€ 1,65

*ACHNATHERUM diamantgras   

* calamagrostis (struisvedergras)*P9€ 1,85

* calamagrostis 'Algäu'*P9€ 2,95

*ACONITUM monnikskap   

* carmichaelii 'Arendsii'*P9€ 1,50

* henryi 'Spark's Variety'*P9€ 1,50

* lamarckii*P9€ 2,50

* napellus*P9€ 1,50

* napellus 'Album'*P9€ 1,85

* septentrionale 'Ivorine'*P9€ 2,30

* vulparia*P9€ 2,30

*ACORUS kalmoes   

* calamus*P9€ 1,70

* gramineus 'Ogon'*P9€ 2,10

*ACTAEA actaea   

* 'Chocoholic'*P9€ 3,15

* japonica 'Cheju-Do'*P9€ 2,65

* pachypoda Misty Blue*P9€ 3,50

* racemosa (zwarte zilverkaars)*P9€ 3,15

* racemosa cordifolia*P9€ 3,15

* racemosa 'Queen of Sheba'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'Atropurpurea'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'Black Negligee'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'Brunette'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'Hillside BlackBeauty'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'Pink Spike'*P9€ 3,15

* simplex 'White Pearl'*P9€ 3,15

*ADIANTUM venushaar   

* pedatum (hoefijzervaren)*P9€ 1,80

* pedatum 'Imbricatum'*P9€ 1,80

*AEGOPODIUM aegopodium   

* podagraria 'Variegatum' (zevenblad*P9€ 1,50

*AGAPANTHUS Afrikaanse lelie   

* africanus*P9€ 1,80

* africanus 'Albus'*P9€ 1,80

* 'Blue Umbrella'*P9€ 2,00

* Fireworks*P9€ 3,15

* 'Northern Star'*P9€ 3,15

* 'Peter Pan'*P9€ 2,50

* 'Polar Ice'*P9€ 2,45

* 'Purple Cloud'*P9€ 3,05

* 'Snow Pixie'*P9€ 1,75

* Twister*P9€ 3,10

* 'White Triumphator'*P9€ 1,90

*AGASTACHE dropnetel   

* 'After Eight'*P9€ 1,95

* 'Apricot Sprite'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Astello Indigo'*P9€ 1,75

* barberi 'Tangerine Dream'*P9€ 1,90

* Beelicious Pink*P9€ 2,30

* Beelicious Purple*P9€ 2,30

* 'Black Adder'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Blue Boa'*P9€ 1,95

* 'Blue Fortune'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Fleur'*P9€ 1,75

* foeniculum*P9€ 1,30

* 'Kudos Red'*P9€ 1,95

* 'Linda'*P9€ 1,95

* mexicana 'Red Fortune' (Mexicaanse dropnetel)*P9€ 1,90

* nepetoides*P9€ 1,45

* 'Purple Haze'*P9€ 1,75

* 'Rosie Posie'*P9€ 1,85

* rugosa*P9€ 1,30

* rugosa 'Alabaster'*P9€ 1,60

* rugosa 'Little Adder'*P9€ 1,85

*AGRIMONIA agrimonie   

* eupatoria (gewone agrimonie)*P9€ 1,85

*AJUGA zenegroen   

* reptans (kruipend zenegroen)*P9€ 1,40

* reptans 'Alba'*P9€ 1,70

* reptans 'Atropurpurea'*P9€ 1,40

* reptans Black Scallop*P9€ 1,70

* reptans 'Braunherz'*P9€ 1,60

* reptans 'Burgundy Glow'*P9€ 1,60

* reptans 'Catlin's Giant'*P9€ 1,60

* reptans 'Mahogany'*P9€ 1,60

* reptans 'Purple Torch'*P9€ 1,95

* reptans 'Rosea'*P9€ 1,50

* reptans 'Variegata'*P9€ 1,70

* tenorii 'Princess Nadia'*P9€ 1,75

* tenorii 'Valfredda'*P9€ 1,50

*ALCEA stokroos   

* ficifolia (vijgenblad-stokroos)*P9€ 1,60

* 'Parkrondell'*P9€ 1,85

* rosea 'Chater's Double Pink'*P9€ 1,30

* rosea 'Chater's Double Red'*P9€ 1,30

* rosea 'Charter's Double White'*P9€ 1,30

* rosea 'Chaters 'Double Yellow'*P9€ 1,30

* rosea 'Nigra'*P9€ 1,35

* rugosa*P9€ 1,95

*ALCHEMILLA vrouwenmantel   

* alpina (Alpiene vrouwenmantel)*P9€ 1,85

* epipsila*P9€ 1,30

* erythropoda (dwergvrouwenmantel)*P9€ 1,30

* erythropoda 'Alma'*P9€ 1,35

* mollis (fraaie vrouwenmantel)*P9€ 1,10

* mollis 'Irish Silk'*P9€ 1,35

* mollis 'Robustica'*P9€ 1,40

* sericata 'Gold Strike'*P9€ 1,40

* vulgaris (spitslobbige vrouwenmantel)*P9€ 1,30

*ALLIUM look     

* aflatunense 'Purple Sensation' (sierui)*P9€ 1,50

* cernuum 'Hidcote' (Amerikaanse look)*P9€ 2,15

* christophii (sterrenlook)*P9€ 1,70

* fistulosum (stengelui)*P9€ 1,50

* giganteum (reuzenlook)*P9€ 3,50

* 'Gladiator'*P9€ 2,25

* 'Globemaster'*P9€ 3,60

* karataviense (puinlook)*P9€ 1,60

* 'Laavender Bubbles'*P9€ 2,50

* 'Millenium'*P9€ 2,30

* 'Mont Blanc'*P9€ 2,60

* 'Pinball Wizard'*P9€ 2,80

* 'Purple Rain'*P9€ 1,50

* schoenoprasum (bieslook)*P9€ 1,35

* schoenoprasum 'Curly Mauve'*P9€ 1,80

* senescens*P9€ 1,50

* senescens 'Lisa Blue'*P9€ 2,25

* sphaerocephalon (kogellook)*P9€ 1,55

* stipitatum 'Mount Everest'*P9€ 2,80

* 'Summer Beauty'*P9€ 2,00

* tuberosum (Chinese bieslook)*P9€ 1,60

* ursinum (daslook)*P9€ 1,50

*ALOPECURUS vossenstaart   

* pratensis 'Aureovariegatus' (grote vossenstaart)*P9€ 1,75

*ALOYSIA citroenverbena   

* triphylla*P9€ 1,70

*ALTHAEA heemst   

* officinalis*P9€ 1,60

*ALYSSUM schildzaad   

* montanum (bergschildzaad)*P9€ 1,10

* montanum 'Berggold'*P9€ 1,35

*AMMOPHILA helm   

* arenaria*P9€ 1,50

*AMORPHA valse indigostruik   

* canescens*P9€ 1,70

*AMSONIA stermaagdenpalm   

* 'Blue Ice'*P9€ 1,80

* ciliata*P9€ 1,80

* 'Ernst Pagels'*P9€ 2,45

* hubrichtii*P9€ 1,80

* illustris*P9€ 2,40

* orientalis*P9€ 2,00

* tabernaemontana*P9€ 1,95

* tabernaemontana salicifolia*P9€ 1,95

*ANACYCLUS Marokkaanse kamille   

* pyrethrum depressus*P9€ 1,30

*ANAPHALIS witte knoop   

* margaritacea (prachtrozenkransje)*P9€ 1,25

* triplinervis*P9€ 1,40

* triplinervis 'Silberregen'*P9€ 1,70

* triplinervis 'Silver Wave'*P9€ 1,80

* triplinervis 'Sommerschnee'*P9€ 1,50

*ANCHUSA ossentong   

* azurea (blauwe ossentong)*P9€ 1,65

* azurea 'Dropmore'*P9€ 1,85

* azurea 'Loddon Royalist'*P9€ 1,80

* officinalis (gewone ossentong)*P9€ 1,60

*ANDROPOGON baardgras   

* gerardii*P9€ 1,50

*ANEMANTHELE fazantstaartgras   

* lessoniana*P9€ 1,60

* lessoniana 'Sirocco'*P9€ 1,60

*ANEMONE anemoon   

* cylindrica*P9€ 1,65

* Dainty Swan*P9€ 3,15

* Dreaming Swan*P9€ 3,15

* Elfin Swan*P9€ 3,15

* hupehensis (Japanse herfstanemoon)*P9€ 1,45

* hupehensis Fantasy Jasmine*P9€ 3,00

* hupehensis 'Little Princess'*P9€ 2,20

* hupehensis 'Praecox'*P9€ 1,60

* hupehensis 'Prinz Heinrich'*P9€ 1,60

* hupehensis 'September Charm'*P9€ 1,60

* hupehensis Snow Angel*P9€ 3,10

* hupehensis 'Splendens'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Andrea Atkinson'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Bressingham Glow'*P9€ 1,70

* hybrida Fantasy Pocahontas*P9€ 3,10

* hybrida 'Hadspen Abundance'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'*P9€ 1,35

* hybrida 'Konigin Charlotte'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Loreley'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Margarete'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Mont-rose'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Ouvertüre'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Pamina'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Richard Ahrens'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Rosenschale'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Serenade'*P9€ 1,60

* hybrida 'Whirlwind'*P9€ 1,60

* leveillei, wit*P9€ 2,20

* multifida 'Annabella Deep Rose'*P9€ 1,60

* multifida 'Annabella Deep White'*P9€ 1,60

* nemorosa (bosanemoon)*P9€ 1,70

* nemorosa 'Hilda'*P9€ 1,60

* rivularis*P9€ 1,60

* Ruffled Swan*P9€ 3,00

* sylvestris (grote anemoon)*P9€ 1,70

* tomentosa 'Robustissima' (hoge herfstanemoon)*P9€ 1,60

* Wild Swan*P9€ 3,40

*ANEMONOPSIS schijnanemoon   

* macrophylla 'White Swan'*P9€ 4,50

*ANGELICA engelwortel   

* archangelica (grote engelwortel)*P9€ 1,50

* gigas (rode engelwortel)*P9€ 1,95

* sylvestris 'Vicar's Mead'*P9€ 2,80

*ANTENNARIA rozenkransje   

* dioica*P9€ 1,40

* dioica 'Alba'*P9€ 1,40

* dioica 'Rubra'*P9€ 1,60

*ANTHEMIS schubkamille   

* carpatica 'Karpatenschnee'*P9€ 1,35

* hybrida 'Dwarf Form'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'E.C. Buxton'*P9€ 1,65

* hybrida 'Kelwayi'*P9€ 1,35

* hybrida 'Sauce Hollandaise'*P9€ 1,60

* sancti-johannis*P9€ 1,35

* 'Susanna Mitchell'*P9€ 1,80

* tinctoria (gele kamille)*P9€ 1,40

* tinctoria 'Lemon Ice'*P9€ 1,80

*ANTHRISCUS kervel   

* sylvestris (fluitenkruid)*P9€ 1,65

* sylvestris 'Ravenswing'*P9€ 1,90

*AQUILEGIA akelei   

* alpina (alpenakelei)*P9€ 1,30

* atrata (donkere akelei)*P9€ 1,80

* 'Biedermeier'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Blue Star'*P9€ 1,30

* caerulea*P9€ 1,55

* chrysantha 'Yellow Queen' (gele akelei)*P9€ 1,35

* 'Crimson Star'*P9€ 1,30

* Dragonfly Hybrids*P9€ 1,35

* 'Green Apples'*P9€ 1,50

* flabellata 'Ministar'*P9€ 1,55

* McKana Hybrids*P9€ 1,40

* 'Nora Barlow'*P9€ 1,50

* vulgaris (wilde akelei)*P9€ 1,40

* vulgaris 'Black Barlow'*P9€ 1,40

* vulgaris 'Blue Barlow'*P9€ 1,40

* vulgaris 'Bordeaux Barlow'*P9€ 1,50

* vulgaris 'Grandmother's Garden'*P9€ 1,50

* vulgaris 'Heidi'*P9€ 1,50

* vulgaris 'Nivea'*P9€ 1,50

* vulgaris 'Rose Barlow'*P9€ 1,95

* vulgaris 'Ruby Port'*P9€ 1,60

* vulgaris 'White Barlow'*P9€ 1,40

* vulgaris 'William Guiness'*P9€ 1,40

*ARABIS scheefkelk   

* blepharophylla*P9€ 1,30

* caucasica 'Pinkie' (randjesbloem)*P9€ 1,30

* caucasica 'Schneehaube'*P9€ 1,30

* procurrens 'Glacier'*P9€ 1,40

* procurrens 'Neuschnee'*P9€ 1,75

*ARENARIA zandmuur   

* montana (bergzandmuur)*P9€ 1,25

*ARMERIA Engels gras   

* maritima*P9€ 1,50

* maritima 'Abbey Deep Rose'*P9€ 1,30

* maritima 'Alba'*P9€ 1,30

* maritima 'Armada Rose'*P9€ 1,30

* maritima 'Armada White'*P9€ 1,30

* maritima 'Dusseldorfer Stolz'*P9€ 1,70

* maritima 'Nifty Thrifty'*P9€ 1,60

* maritima 'Rosea'*P9€ 1,50

* maritima 'Rosea Compacta'*P9€ 1,85

* maritima 'Rubrifolia'*P9€ 1,60

* maritima 'Splendens'*P9€ 1,15

* maritima 'Splendens Perfecta'*P9€ 1,50

* pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Lilac'*P9€ 1,60

* pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Purple Rose'*P9€ 1,60

* pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red'*P9€ 1,60

*ARMORACIA, mierikswortel   

* rusticana*P9€ 1,70

*ARRHENATHERUM glanshaver   

* elatius 'Variegatum'*P9€ 1,90

*ARTEMISIA alsem   

* abrotanum (citroenkruid)*P9€ 1,70

* absinthium (absintalsem)*P9€ 1,40

* absinthium 'Lambrook Silver'*P9€ 1,80

* dracunculus (dragon)*P9€ 1,40

* dracunculus 'Senior'*P9€ 1,70

* lactiflora (witte bijvoet)*P9€ 1,80

* lactiflora 'Elfenbein'*P9€ 2,15

* ludoviciana 'Silver Queen' (Westerse bijvoet)*P9€ 1,50

* ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis'*P9€ 1,75

* 'Powis Castle'*P9€ 1,50

* schmidtiana 'Nana'*P9€ 1,50

* stelleriana 'Boughton Silver'*P9€ 1,75

*ARUM aronskelk   

* italicum (Italiaanse aronskelk)*P9€ 1,70

* italicum 'Marmoratum'*P9€ 1,80

*ARUNCUS geitenbaard   

* aethusifolius (kleine geitenbaard)*P9€ 1,45

* dioicus*P9€ 1,45

* dioicus 'Kneiffii'*P9€ 2,25

* 'Horatio'*P9€ 2,85

*ASARUM mansoor   

* caudatum*P9€ 2,20

* europaeum*P9€ 2,30

* splendens*P9€ 2,60

*ASCLEPIAS zijdeplant   

* incarnata (rode zijdeplant)*P9€ 1,95

* incarnata 'Ice Ballet'*P9€ 1,70

* tuberosa (knolzijdeplant)*P9€ 1,60

*ASPERULA bedstro   

* taurina*P9€ 2,10

*ASPHODELINE jonkerlelie   

* lutea*P9€ 1,95

*ASPLENIUM streepvaren   

* scolopendrium (tongvaren)*P9€ 1,85

* scolopendrium 'Angustatum'*P9€ 1,85

* scolopendrium 'Cristatum'*P9€ 1,85

* scolopendrium 'Undulatum'*P9€ 1,85

* trichomanes (steenbreekvaren)*P9€ 1,85

*ASTER aster   

* ageratoides 'Adustus Nanus' (Japanse dwergaster)*P9€ 1,50

* ageratoides 'Ashvi'*P9€ 1,35

* ageratoides 'Asmo'*P9€ 1,70

* ageratoides 'Asran'*P9€ 1,30

* ageratoides 'Ezo Murazaki'*P9€ 1,70

* ageratoides 'Harry Schmidt'*P9€ 1,80

* ageratoides 'Stardust'*P9€ 1,40

* ageratoides 'Starshine'*P9€ 1,85

* alpinus (Alpenaster)*P9€ 1,20

* alpinus 'Albus'*P9€ 1,20

* alpinus 'Dunkle Schöne'*P9€ 1,20

* alpinus 'Goliath'*P9€ 1,40

* alpinus 'Happy End'*P9€ 1,20

* amellus 'Blue King' (bergaster)*P9€ 1,70

* amellus 'Breslau'*P9€ 2,10

* amellus 'Dr Otto Petschek'*P9€ 1,70

* amellus 'King George'*P9€ 1,80

* amellus 'Rosa Erfüllung'*P9€ 1,70

* amellus 'Rudolf Goethe'*P9€ 1,40

* amellus 'Sonia'*P9€ 1,80

* amellus 'Sonora'*P9€ 2,10

* amellus 'Sternkugel'*P9€ 1,95

* amellus 'Veilchenkönigin'*P9€ 1,85

* 'Bahamas'*P9€ 1,50

* cordifolius 'Blue Haeven'*P9€ 1,95

* cordifolius 'Ideal'*P9€ 1,80

* divaricatus*P9€ 1,50

* divaricatus 'Beth Chatto'*P9€ 1,75

* divaricatus 'Eastern Star'*P9€ 1,75

* divaricatus 'Tradescant'*P9€ 1,95

* dumosus 'Alice Haslam'*P9€ 1,60

* dumosus 'Anneke'*P9€ 1,60

* dumosus 'Apollo'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Augenweide'*P9€ 1,75

* dumosus 'Blaue Lagune'*P9€ 1,85

* dumosus 'Blaue Gletscher'*P9€ 1,85

* dumosus 'Herbstgrüss v. Bresserhof'*P9€ 1,55

* dumosus 'Herbstpurzel'*P9€ 1,95

* dumosus 'Jenny'*P9€ 1,60

* dumosus 'Kassel'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Kristina'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Lady in Blue'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Mittelmeer'*P9€ 1,75

* dumosus 'Niobe'*P9€ 1,75

* dumosus 'Peter Harrison'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Peter Pan'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Prof. Anton Kippenberg'*P9€ 1,30

* dumosus 'Rosenwichtel'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Schneekissen'*P9€ 1,50

* dumosus 'Starlight'*P9€ 1,50

* 'Eleven Purple'*P9€ 1,95

* ericoides 'Blue Star' (heideaster)*P9€ 1,75

* ericoides 'Blue Wonder'*P9€ 1,75

* ericoides 'Erlkönig'*P9€ 1,60

* ericoides 'Golden Spray'*P9€ 1,60

* ericoides 'Lovely'*P9€ 1,60

* ericoides 'Pink Cloud'*P9€ 1,70

* ericoides 'Schneetanne'*P9€ 1,70

* ericoides 'Snowflurry'*P9€ 1,75

* frikartii 'Jungfrau'*P9€ 1,70

* frikartii 'Mönch'*P9€ 1,70

* frikartii 'Wunder von Stäfa'*P9€ 1,90

* laevis 'Blauschleier' (gladde aster)*P9€ 1,95

* laevis 'Calliope'*P9€ 1,90

* lateriflorus 'Horizontalis' (kleine aster)*P9€ 1,80

* lateriflorus 'Lady in Black'*P9€ 1,75

* lateriflorus 'Prince'*P9€ 1,80

* linosyris (kalkaster)*P9€ 1,65

* 'Little Carlow'*P9€ 1,85

* macrophyllus (grote aster)*P9€ 1,50

* macrophyllus 'Albus'*P9€ 1,55

* macrophyllus 'Twilight'*P9€ 1,65

* novae-angliae 'And. an Alma Pötschke'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Andenken an Paul Gerber'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Barr's Blue'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Barr's Pink'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-angliae 'Harrington's Pink'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Rudelsburg'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Septemberrubin'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-angliae 'Vibrant Dome'*P9€ 1,90

* novae-belgii 'Crimson Brocade'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-belgii 'Dauerblau'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-belgii 'Fellowship'*P9€ 1,75

* novae-belgii 'Karminkuppel'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-belgii 'Marie Ballard'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-belgii 'Patricia Ballard'*P9€ 1,65

* novae-belgii 'Porzellan'*P9€ 1,90

* novae-belgii 'Royal Ruby'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-belgii 'Sarah Ballard'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-belgii 'Schöne von Dietlikon'*P9€ 1,70

* novae-belgii 'Violetta'*P9€ 1,90

* novae-belgii 'White Ladies'*P9€ 1,60

* novae-belgii 'Winston Churchill'*P9€ 1,75

* 'Neron'*P9€ 1,75

* oblongifolius 'October Skies'*P9€ 1,75

* 'Pink Star'*P9€ 1,75

* pyrenaeus 'Lutetia'*P9€ 1,60

* radula 'August Sky'*P9€ 2,05

* 'Samoa'*P9€ 1,90

* sedifolius 'Nanus'*P9€ 1,85

* tararicus 'Jindai'*P9€ 1,85

* thomsonii*P9€ 1,85

* tongolensis 'Napsbury'*P9€ 2,00

* 'Treffpunkt'*P9€ 1,95

* turbinellus*P9€ 2,00

* umbellatus 'Weisser Schirm'*P9€ 2,00

* universum 'Monte Cassino'*P9€ 1,60

* 'Wood's Light Blue'*P9€ 1,80

* 'Wood's Pink'*P9€ 1,50

* 'Wood's Purple'*P9€ 1,85

*ASTILBE astilbe, spirea   

* arendsii 'Amethyst'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Anita Pfeifer'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Astary Red'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Astary Rose Shades'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Astary White'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Brautschleier'*P9€ 1,60

* arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty'*P9€ 1,70

* arendsii 'Bumalda'*P9€ 2,00

* arendsii 'Cattleya'*P9€ 2,00

* arendsii 'Diamant'*P9€ 1,85

* arendsii 'Erika'*P9€ 1,75

* arendsii 'Etna'*P9€ 1,75

* arendsii 'Fanal'*P9€ 1,50

* arendsii 'Gloria Purpurea'*P9€ 1,75

* arendsii 'Glut'*P9€ 1,75

* arendsii 'Spinell'*P9€ 1,75

* arendsii 'Weisse Gloria'*P9€ 1,75

* chinensis 'Finale'*P9€ 2,00

* chinensis 'Pumila'*P9€ 1,20

* chinensis 'Purperkerze'*P9€ 1,80

* chinensis 'Purpurlanze'*P9€ 1,85

* chinensis 'Superba'*P9€ 1,70

* chinensis 'Visions in Pink'*P9€ 2,15

* chinensis 'Visions in Red'*P9€ 2,15

* 'Chocolate Shogun'*P9€ 3,40

* crispa 'Perkeo'*P9€ 2,05

* japonica 'Bonn'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Deutschland'*P9€ 1,55

* japonica 'Ellie'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Europa'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Gladstone'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Koblenz'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Mainz'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Montgomery'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Peach Blossom'*P9€ 1,90

* japonica 'Red Sentinel'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Rheinland'*P9€ 1,75

* japonica 'Washingthon'*P9€ 1,75

* 'Maggie Daley'*P9€ 2,10

* simplicifolia 'Henny Graafland'*P9€ 1,85

* simplicifolia 'Sprite'*P9€ 1,70

* thunbergii 'Professor van der Wielen'*P9€ 2,00

* thunbergii 'Straussenfeder'*P9€ 1,80

* 'Vision Inferno'*P9€ 1,85

*ASTILBOIDES tafelblad   

* tabularis*P9€ 1,85

*ASTRANTIA sterrenscherm, Zeeuws knoopje   

* Buckland'*P9€ 2,85

* major (groot sterrenscherm)*P9€ 2,10

* major 'Alba'*P9€ 1,95

* major Cherise Button*P9€ 2,80

* major 'Claret'*P9€ 2,95

* major 'Florence'*P9€ 3,15

* major Pink Button*P9€ 3,15

* major 'Pink Pride'*P9€ 2,25

* major 'Primadonna'*P9€ 2,25

* major 'Roma'*P9€ 3,15

* major 'Rosensinfonie'*P9€ 1,95

* major 'Ruby Wedding'*P9€ 2,95

* major 'Shaggy'*P9€ 2,45

* major 'Snow Star'*P9€ 3,40

* major 'Star of Beauty'*P9€ 3,35

* major 'Star of Billion'*P9€ 3,15

* major 'Superstar'*P9€ 3,40

* major 'Venice'*P9€ 3,40

* 'Moulin Rouge'*P9€ 3,05

*ATHYRIUM athyrium   

* filix-femina (wijfjesvaren)*P9€ 1,80

* filix-femina 'Frizelliae'*P9€ 1,85

* filix-femina 'Lady in Red'*P9€ 1,85

* filix-femina 'Rotstiel'*P9€ 1,80

* niponicum 'Burgundy Lace'*P9€ 1,80

* niponicum 'Pewter Lace'*P9€ 1,95

* niponicum pictum (Japanse regenboogvaren)*P9€ 1,60

* niponicum 'Red Beauty'*P9€ 1,75

* niponicum 'Silver Falls'*P9€ 1,90

* niponicum 'Ursula's Red'*P9€ 1,85

* vidalii (Japanse wijfjesvaren)*P9€ 1,85

*AUBRIETA aubrieta   

* 'Blaumeise'*P9€ 1,40

* 'Cascade Blue'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Cascade Purple'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Cascade Red'*P9€ 1,30

* 'Hamburger Stadtpark'*P9€ 1,40

*AURINIA schildzaad   

* saxatilis (rotsschildzaad)*P9€ 1,20

*AZORELLA Andeskruid   

* trifurcata*P9€ 1,85

* trifurcata  'Nana'*P9€ 1,85

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